Mixed Berry Coconut Crackers

2 cups mixed frozen berries (thawed)
3 tbsp. agave
3 cups flaked unsweetened coconut
¼ tsp. Himalayan sea salt
½ tsp. cinnamon powder
1 cup chopped almonds

Take the almonds and chop them in a Cuisinart. Chop them into small to medium sized pieces. Pour them out into a large bowl. Place the rest of the ingredients into the Cuisinart and mix for ½ minute. Remove the mixture from the Cuisinart and place it into the bowl with the almonds. Mix it by hand with a spoon. Take a tray from your Excalibur dehydrator. Place a teflex sheet on top of it. Spread the mixture on the tray evenly. Use a press to get it 1/8 inch thick all of the way around the tray. Place into the dehydrator at 145 degrees for 1 hour. Then turn the dehydrator on 115 degrees for 10 to 12 hours. After 5 hours of dehydrating, gently remove the teflex sheet from the dehydrator tray onto a chopping block. Score and cut the crackers. Use a very sharp knife. Flip the crackers over onto a dehydrator tray without a teflex sheet. Continue dehydrating for the next 5 hours and check them again for crispiness. If they are crispy they are done and if not just continue dehydrating for 2 more hour.

Note: If the crackers soften up the next day, just place them back in the dehydrator for another hour or so.

In the photo, I garnished the crackers with the Raspberry Frosting. It is the finishing touch.

Note: I wanted to acknowledge Nuveau Raw for inspiring my coconut cracker recipes. I love that crunch!