Easter is a time for celebration of life itself. Bright colors abound in nature, life flourishes and blossoms. Happiness and a sense of freedom bring hope. Hope is joyful because it looks at the abundance that is all around us to be enjoyed and cherished. Life is always expanding, changing, and growing. We revel and thrive when choosing to participate fully in the festivity that Easter brings.

Food is a symbol of nourishing that new life. It represents abundance. A good illustration of all of this is the egg. It is new life. We color it and paint designs to celebrate. We choose to paint our lives any way we wish.

Porridge is another symbol of plenty. All throughout literature, if there was enough porridge everyone was adequately nourished and never went hungry. Porridge is filling, healthy for us, and provides lots of energy for the day ahead. Easter Morning Porridge is a perfect way to begin celebrating each and every day.

Easter Morning Porridge

1 ½ cups organic steel cut oats
1 ½ cups organic frozen blueberries
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. melted coconut oil
1/8 tsp. Himalayan sea salt
1 tsp. agave
1/8 cup distilled water

Prepare the organic steel cut oats according to the directions on the package. Place the remaining ingredients into a small sauce pan. Turn the heat on medium and allow it to come to a slight boil. Will take approximately 3 to 5 minutes. Make sure the berries are soft and warm. Do not overcook. Place the oats into a serving bowl. Pour the heated blueberries over the oats and serve.

Serves 1